Electronic Chemicals

Electronic chemicals, also known as electronic chemical materials, are fine chemical materials for the electronics industry and are special chemicals.

Electronic Chemicals

There are many varieties and specifications of electronic chemicals, which can be divided into semiconductor materials, magnetic materials and intermediates, capacitor chemicals, battery chemicals, plastics for electronics industry, coatings for electronics industry, printing materials chemicals, high-purity simple substances, photoelectric materials, alloy materials, corrosion inhibition materials, insulating materials, special gases, rubber for electronics industry, piezoelectric and acousto-optic crystal materials, liquid crystal materials, printed circuit board materials, etc. More than a dozen major categories, each category can be divided into several subcategories, according to incomplete statistics, there are more than 20,000 types of products. For example, semiconductor materials can be divided into photoresists, packaging materials, high-purity chemical reagents, etc. used in the production process of integrated circuits and discrete devices; battery chemicals can be divided into lithium-ion battery chemicals, alkaline manganese battery chemicals, fuel cell chemicals, nickel-hydrogen battery chemicals and other varieties according to battery materials.

Main supporting areas: integrated circuit chip (IC), printed circuit board (PCB), liquid crystal display (LCD), including developing, etching, cleaning and electroplating processes. As a high-tech product combining electronic materials and fine chemicals, electronic chemicals have the characteristics of many varieties, high quality requirements, small dosage, strict requirements on environmental cleanliness, fast product replacement, large capital investment, and high product added value.

Electronic chemical materials can be divided into substrates, photoresists, electroplating chemicals, packaging materials, high-purity reagents, special gases, solvents, pre-cleaning dopants, solder masks, acids and corrosives, electronic special adhesives and auxiliary materials.

Electronic Chemicals

Ink, paint and other light-curing field electronic chemicals: screen printing photosensitive solder resist ink, white photosensitive solder resist ink for LED board, electrostatic spray photosensitive solder resist ink, traditional inner layer line ink, LDI special inner layer coating ink, dip coating liquid photosensitive etching ink, PCB photosensitive ink and other high-performance special inks/special inks, special coatings; special wet electronic chemicals: ultra-clean and high-purity reagents, photoresist and photoresist supporting reagents. Cleaning, lithography, development, etching, film removal, doping and other manufacturing processes of microfabrication of electronic components; semiconductor material products: advanced precursor materials, electronic special gas, photoresist and supporting materials, MO source products, high-purity ALD/CVD precursors, high-K trimethylaluminum, silicon precursors and OLED materials.

Classification of Electronic Chemicals
Category Subdivided products
Heat dissipation material Silicon grease, silver powder, graphite, graphene, etc.
Display material Liquid crystal materials, OLED materials, optical film materials, etc.
PCB chemicals Substrate materials, electroplating chemicals, PCB inks, developers, etching solutions, etc.
IC chemicals High-purity solvents, electronic gases, CMP chemicals, photoresists, targets, packaging materials, etc.