What Are Electronic Wet Chemicals?

Wet electronic chemicals are one of the important supporting materials in the electronics industry. Their quality not only affects the yield, electrical performance and reliability of electronic products directly, but also has an important impact on the industrialization of advanced manufacturing technologies, with high product added value and technical threshold.

Definition and Classification of Wet Electronic Chemicals

Wet electronic chemicals, also known as ultra-clean and high-purity reagents or process chemicals, refer to the main component purity greater than 99.99%, generally requiring the control of impurity particle size below 0.5m, and metal impurity content below ppm level (ppm for 10-6, ppb for 10-9, ppt for 10-12).

Wet electronic chemicals are key basic chemical materials in the electronics industry and one of the important supporting materials. They are various liquid chemical materials used in the wet process of microelectronics and optoelectronics.

Wet electronic chemicals can generally be divided into general wet electronic chemicals (usually ultra-clean and high-purity reagents) and functional wet electronic chemicals (usually mixed reagents). At present, the market demand is dominated by general-purpose wet electronic chemicals, accounting for about 70% of the demand. General-purpose wet electronic chemicals: generally single-component, single-function chemicals, such as hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, sulfuric acid, etc.

Functional wet electronic chemicals: Refers to compound chemicals that achieve special functions and meet special process requirements in manufacturing by means of compounding, such as developing solution, stripping solution, etching solution, cleaning solution, etc.

Specific Classifications of Electronic Wet Chemicals
Category Subcategory Product Name
General Electronic Wet Chemicals Acids Hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, acetic acid, etc.
Alkalis Ammonia, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, etc.
Organic solvents Alcohols Methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, etc.
Ketones Acetone, butanone, methyl isobutyl ketone, etc.
Esters Ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, etc.
Hydrocarbons Toluene, xylene, cyclohexane, etc.
Halogenated hydrocarbons Trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, methyl chloride, carbon tetrachloride, etc.
Others Hydrogen peroxide, etc.
Functional Electronic Wet Chemicals Etchants Metal etchant, buffered oxide etchant, ITO etchant, silicon etchant, etc.
Cleaning liquids Cleaning solution after copper polishing, cleaning solution after etching of aluminum process, cleaning solution after etching of copper process, cleaning solution after removing HKMG false gate, cleaning solution for removing flash.
Photoresist supporting reagents Diluents Propylene glycol methyl ether acetate, propylene glycol methyl ether, ethyl lactate.
Developers Positive film developer, negative film developer, etc.
Stripping Solutions Positive film stripping solution, negative film stripping solution, stripping cleaning solution, acidic stripping solution, etc.